
Simplify your experience with the Air Quality Metadata API, designed to provide seamless access to essential information. This page serves as your gateway to various endpoints, each offering publicly

Endpoint Overview

Explore the wealth of metadata through the following endpoints:

1. Grid Metadata

Access information about geographical grids for effective data organisation.

Get all publicly available Grids


Retrieve all publicly available Sites

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

"message":"Successfull Operation",
{GRID 4},
{GRID 5},

2. Cohort Metadata

Retrieve details about cohorts to understand logical groupings of devices.

Get all publicly available Cohorts


Retrieve all publicly available Sites

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

    "success": true,
    "message": "There are no records for this search",
    "cohorts": []

3. Device Metadata

Obtain essential information about individual devices for precise data retrieval.

Get all publicly available Devices


Retrieve all publicly available Sites

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

    "success": true,
    "message": "There are no records for this search",
    "devices": []

4. Site Metadata

Access publicly available details about specific air quality monitoring sites.

Get all publicly available Sites


Retrieve all publicly available Sites

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

    "success": true,
    "message": "There are no records for this search",
    "sites": []

5. Generate Site and Device IDs associated with a Grid

Generate all the site and device IDs associated with a Grid

Retrieve Site and Device IDs associated with Grid ID


Retrieve all publicly available Sites

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

    "success": true,
    "message": "There are no records for this search",
    "sites": []

6. Generate Site and Device IDs associated with a Cohort

Generate all the site and device IDs associated with a Cohort

Retrieve Site and Device IDs associated with Cohort ID


Retrieve all publicly available Sites

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

    "success": true,
    "message": "There are no records for this search",
    "sites": []

7. List All AirQo Sites and their Details for Publicly Available Grids

List details of all existing AirQo Locations

Retrieve details of all existing AirQo Locations


List all Site Details of publicly available Grids

Path Parameters

Query Parameters

    "success": true,
    "message": "Successfull Operation",
    "grids": [
            "_id": "65e98e11528c9f00133444f8",
            "visibility": true,
            "name": "ethiopia",
            "admin_level": "country",
            "network": "airqo",
            "long_name": "Ethiopia",
            "createdAt": "2024-03-07T09:51:13.703Z",
            "sites": [
                    "_id": "637392727c737c001e785545",
                    "formatted_name": "2R6C+GJF, Jacros - Salite Mehret Rd, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia",
                    "parish": "Bole",
                    "sub_county": "Bole",
                    "city": "Addis Ababa",
                    "region": "Addis Ababa",
                    "country": "Ethiopia",
                    "name": "U.S. Department of State Ethiopia - Addis Ababa",
                    "approximate_latitude": 9.007071093631989,
                    "approximate_longitude": 38.819870427611285,
                    "location_name": "Ethiopia",
                    "search_name": "Addis Ababa",
                    "data_provider": "US Embassy"
                {Site 2},
                {Site 3},
                {Site 4}
            "numberOfSites": 6       
  {Grid 2},
  {Grid 3},
  {Grid 4}

Usage Instructions

Effortlessly integrate metadata retrieval into your applications. Navigate through each section to learn how to utilise the provided endpoints, gaining valuable insights into grids, cohorts, devices, and sites. Enhance your air quality data understanding with detailed metadata, empowering your applications with context and accuracy.

Last updated