Welcome to the AirQo API FAQ page! Here, we've compiled a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions to assist you in navigating and utilizing our API effectively.

Deployment and Data Access

Q: Are new sensors automatically added to the data stream upon deployment?

A: Yes, newly deployed sensors are seamlessly integrated into the JSON data stream.

Q: How often are measurements recorded for each device?

A: Measurements are recorded in spaces of minutes but we present an hourly resolution for each unique device.

Q: Can I access historical data for all devices?

A: Absolutely! The API provides access to historical data across all devices.

Data Content and Structure

Q: Why are temperature and humidity measurements not included in the JSON file?

A: Currently excluded intentionally for simplicity. We're open to revisiting based on user needs.

Q: The calibrated value and value for PM2.5 and PM10 are the same; is this intentional?

A: Currently intentional; we're planning to refine this to minimise confusion.

Q: Is the Device_ID unique for every unique device?

A: Yes, the Device_ID is unique for each device. You can expect approximately "24 * days-since-installation" measurements for each unique device.

API Data Grouping

Q: Anytime I load the API link with Grid or Cohort ID, I get access to a JSON with data across all sensors. Is this correct?

A: Yes, loading the API link provides access to a JSON file containing data across all sensors. Utilise appropriate query parameters for customisation.

Q: What is the difference between Grid ID and Cohort ID API access?

A: The Grid ID serves to logically group all sites based on geographical location, while the Cohort ID is designed for grouping devices. Cohorts are particularly useful for organisations managing devices across diverse geographic regions, allowing simultaneous access to data from all devices without the limitations imposed by Grids, which are tailored for specific geographical areas. It's worth noting that a Cohort and Grid may share the same devices, contingent on whether devices within the Cohort belong to a specific Grid. Additionally, if a Cohort owner opts to make their devices private, recent measurements won't be accessible via the Grid ID, as Grid IDs are inherently public-facing, unlike private Cohorts.

General API Usage

Q: How should I handle pagination when dealing with large datasets?

A: Utilise the page parameter to navigate through result pages. Refer to our pagination guide for detailed instructions.

Q: Do you have legal guidance regarding unauthorised access to API tokens?

A: If you encounter any unauthorised access or security concerns, please report them immediately to our support team.

For additional assistance or queries not covered here, feel free to reach out to our support team at support@airqo.net.

Last updated